07 April 2008

Welcome to my portfolio blog!  Please use the categories at the right side to discover each kind of photography and digital media I produce:

Freelance: All photos are independent of any establishment or person besides myself unless otherwise noted.

The bulk of my professional portfolio comes from my 2 years at www.standardstyle.com.
All photos within any of the work posted here are credited to me.  This falls into several catergories:

Photography:  I took the photograph, but contributed little else to the project.
Photo Styling:  In addition to shooting the photograph, I arranged all elements within it.
Events:  A journalistic style of documenting the events Standard has been involved in.  
Design:  I conceptualized and executed all  design elements of the final work.
Photo Manipulations:  All of the photos used at Standard are manipulated in some way.  This category is when I made major changes to the integrity of the original photo.

Feel free to leave any feedback you like.

Thank you,

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